If you pay by any kind of bank transfer, to ensure your payment be recognised, you must provide payment evidence to us. 
Please fax or email your payment receipt or screen capture, ( together with ad ref. No !! )
to: Fax 3020 3214  Email: payment@ibike.com.hk

(If you paid by credit card, we will recognise your payment automatically)


Why?  Your payment system rejected my credit card payment !!
Ans: Your credit card must have "Verified by Visa" password protection

1 VISA驗證是甚麼? What is Verified by Visa?
  信用咭驗證是一項國際制定的安全付款驗證服務。透過是項服務,VISA信用咭持有人可選定一個私人密碼作為授權網上交易之用。當他在網上利用信用咭購物時,他須要提供這私人密碼作身份驗證,就如使用自動櫃員機一樣。換言之,只有持咭人可以使用此咭作網上交易之用。欲知詳情,請瀏覽:VISA國際   Verified by Visa is a new way to add safety when you buy online. Adding a password to your existing Visa card, Verified by Visa ensures that only you can use your Visa card online. It's easy to activate for your existing Visa card, and it's free. For details please click here.
2 【鐵騎網誌】的「中央車盤」廣告付款過程,有否使用VISA驗證? Do you mean my ad payment also protected by Verified by Visa?
  有。根據信用咭公司指引,從事有關網上或流動業務並涉及信用咭付款都須要加入信用咭驗證。而這個服務是免費提供給客戶。 馬上啟動你的Visa驗證 Yes, but you need to set up your Verified by Visa password and activate your card.  Click here
3 持咭人有何保障? What kind of protection do I have?
  - 減低顧客因在網上購物而被盜取信用咭資料的風險;
- 因加強保障而對在網上購物增加信心。
Verified by Visa is a new service that allows you to use a personal password to protect your Visa Card when you shop online, giving you added reassurance that only you can use your Visa Card.