02 Oct 2002 環球騎士聚會GRM 2002 趣味花邊


鳴謝:楊為先生 供稿


Global Riders Meeting 2002 – Korea 韓國

2002 年第9 屆 Global Riders Meeting 於南韓舉行。首天參觀漢城後,大隊由漢城出發驅車至距離 150 km 的原州,即今次駐紮大本營。

營地四周為翠綠山嶺及郊野公園,大本營的主人為GRM 成員李明根先生私人所擁有。李先生還有一隊越野爬出車如KTM LC4, Honda XLR650, CR250, Suzuki Drs 等,超過 12 輛 ATV其中包括 4X4, 6X6 存放於 500 平方米車房內。

營地內設施完善,新的平房小屋設有空調及發熱地板,冷熱都照顧週到,另一所獨立平房小屋為可容納 40 人的卡拉 OK 房, 可供消遣。晚上各友好圍著火堆,飲酒說說當天駕駛感受,藝人們會即席演奏,樂聲於山區內回響.....

In 2002, the 9th Global Riders Meeting was held in South Korea. After a day's city tour in Seoul, we headed for the mountain resort of Won Ju. It is to be our base camp for the week long programme. 

The 150 km ride took us to the lush green mountain resort surround by farms and National Park. The base camp is privately by one of the GRM member, Mr. Lee Myung Kuen. He has a fleet of motorcars and endure bikes such as KTM LC4, Honda XLR650, CR250, Suzuki Drs etc. 

More than a dozen of ATVs including 4x4 and 6x6 housed in a well equipped 500 sq.m garage. The brand new bungalows have air conditioner and heated floor for winter stays. A detached Karaoke house (yes a separate building) can seat about 40 persons is nearby for night time entertainment.

 If you prefer to be inactive, there are about a hundred channels to choose from the TV. Some riders prefer to build a barn fire, seat around it in the cool dark night, beer in hand to share the days times riding experience. The artists will bring out their musical instruments for a session of jamming. Their music echoed in the mountains add beat to the spiritual experience.

領隊帶我們參觀 DMZ 非軍事區, 三八線及朝鮮半島東岸路面交通暢通山區更甚, 髮夾彎, 90 度彎, 高速彎, 一個接一個, 正當感到手軟時前面已是一片農田及河畔, 正好可以休息一下欣賞風景如此美好之駕駛電單車天堂, 必須要親身體驗, 方能知道箇中樂趣。

至於韓國食物出名辛辣,  很多騎士如在下都不習慣韓國泡菜, 但卻回味無窮, 何解?  當你一口一口吃時嘴巴火辣辣,  如廁時後欄亦會火辣辣, 正是雙重回味.

The roads are surprisingly well maintained. Very few pot holes and no sand or gravel despite it has been raining non-stop for the pass 3 weeks. Our tour master took us to the DMZ, 38 Parallel, and the Eastern coastline. Traffic was light and almost no traffic in the mountains. Hairpins, dog legs and long swiping corners carve through the canyons, just when you are about to get tired doing fusion riding (knees to the ground), you found yourself passing through farm land and cruising along side a river. What a treat! You will have to come experience yourself to believe such motorcycle paradise exist in the land of Kimchi.

Korean food is known to be hot and spicy. Many riders like yours truly are not used to spicy Kimchi found out one can taste the Kimchi twice. The first time when it goes into your mouth. The second time in the morning when you rush to the bathroom.... Good value for money? It is up to you to judge.

河畔音樂會感覺相當特別隨著音樂會直至深夜完結,  BBQ 派對即將開始豐富美味食物當然少不了韓國牛肉當晚食物份量可供一隊軍隊食用如想感受今次旅程務必要看看錄影帶.

明年是 第 10 GRM,  該會委員會決定舉辦一個大型活動大約 3 星期電單車旅程地點為世界文名古國之一是否感興趣呢? 請留意日後公佈.

Concert by the river was very exciting and special. It went on deep into the night and party to follow. There was enough Korean beef BBQ to feed an army. You will have to see the video to get a taste of GRM 2002.

Next year will be the 10th GRM and the organizing committee have decided to make it a grand project. How about a 3 weeks bike tour to experience one of the oldest civilization in the world? Interested? Please stay tuned as the organization work unfolds.

Kimchi Power to the Bikers!

Franki Yang




The CHIANG-MAI BIKE WEEK project is a Travel and Tourism based activity for members of large Motorcycle Clubs both within and outside of Thailand. Proceeds from the project will be added to the funds of the Region 5 Provincial Police’s Anti-Drug (methamphetamines) campaign as well as to aid the Tourism Police along with other charity organizations. In addition, the project also encompasses the promotion of Tourism in Chiang Mai and other Provinces in Northern Thailand, the use of helmets in accordance with Thai Regulations and Traffic Laws, the exhibition of motorcycles, competitive games in order to establish and strengthen relationships between all motorcycle enthusiasts’.  Last but not least, allow us to host a Charity Ball.

History of the Project
The CHIANG-MAI BIKE WEEK project was first organized in Pitsanulok in 1999 by the NORTH COMETS MOTORCYCLE CLUB (CHIANG MAI), a club for motorcycle lovers and the organizers of motorcycling activities in Chiang Mai. About two hundred motorcycles participated in this first event. The following year, the event was held in Chiang Mai and named, "K9 DRUG-BUSTING PROJECT" and the number of participating bikes and riders rose to three hundred. Most recently the project was re-named; “CHIANG-MAI BIKE WEEK” and has been very successful, with no less than eight hundred participating members and bikes from a convention of Motorcycling Clubs from all over the country, as follows;

· Also included are Motorcycle Clubs from other parts of the world, including MALAYSIA, SINGAPORE, SAUDI ARABIA, HONG KONG, GERMANY, POLAND, and ENGLAND.

Objective of the Project
1. Promotion the fight against drugs by accumulating funds to be contributed to the Region 5 Provincial Police’s project against drugs (methamphetamines).
2. Collection of funds to support the Tourism Police along with various charity organizations.
3. Promotion of safe and legal riding.
4. Promotion of travel by motorcycle, reflecting the safety and quality of the transportation routes in Thailand as well as; promote new and interesting travel destinations for tourists.

Expected Results
This year, the organizing committee has coordinated with a number of Motorcycling Clubs around the world and incorporated a wider public relations campaign.  Due to the success in the events of previous years, it is expected that, International participants will rise to 300 machines and will be considered a very large gathering to reflect the promotion of something of great social value. This in turn, can be used to promote the Country and the unity and harmony in Thai society in the eyes of foreigners. It can also be considered the promotion of the Tourism Industry to participating foreigners which, in the long term, will eventually draw tourist money into the communities in the Northern Region of Thailand.

香港騎士於 12 4 日出發至曼谷或清邁需視乎租車地區,  12 10 日回港
Hong Kong riders will expected to depart for Bangkok or Chiangmai on Dec. 4 return from Chiang Mai or Bangkok on Dec. 10. It all depends on where we can get the rental bikes. Do allow one extra day leave for flexibility as we might get held up or due to schedule change.
December 6, 2002
參加者到達清邁及入住酒店 Participating motorcycles begin to arrive in Chiang Mai and check into their accommodations
登記及歡迎會Registration and welcome parade, including exhibition of food, handicrafts and souvenirs
歡迎晚宴Welcome banquet for participants
December 7, 2002
城市巡航 Parade of motorcycles ride through the city to promote safe and disciplined driving.
Security: There will be 24 hour on site security
Bike show: Will be in the 700th Anniversary of Chiang Mai Sports Complex after Lucky Draw Rally.
Rodeo Bike registration: Between 9 am to 3 pm on Saturday 7th
遊覽清邁附近市鎮Travel to various tourist attractions in the Province as well as visit different projects around the city of Chiang Mai
There will be activities and other games, such as eating hot dogs (or banana) while riding and the Miss Chiang-Mai Bike Week 2002 pageant.
慈善餐宴Official Party or Charity Banquet with acknowledge and thanks to sponsors and participating clubs.
December 8, 2002
購物及觀光Shopping and travel to various tourist attractions in the Province at Boh-Saang, Ban Tawai, Sankampaeng
歡送派對Farewell Party
December 9, 2002
回程香港Parade of motorcycles travel to various Provinces on their way home.

Estimated cost: 費用約 :-
每人 HK$5,500.00 包括來回曼谷機票, 6 晚酒店, CMBW2002 登記費用
HK$5,500/person. Cost includes return air fare to and from Bangkok. 6 nights hotel accommodation, registration fee to CMBW 2002.
Event Registration Fee include: Dinner on Friday 6th at Welcome party, Lucky Draw Rally, Lunch / Dinner on Saturday 7th at Official Party, Patch, Sticker, Event T-Shirt and Donation to club social contribution project.
費用不包括租車, 電油, 保險及膳食費用
Cost does not include, bike rental, fuel and insurance, most meals.
有興趣者請與楊為聯絡 2338 6337
Interested parties please contact Franki 2338-6337 for further details as programme develops.