香港車手Simon Kwan獲邀只限A級賽車牌才能參加的精英訓練班Ducati Master riding course - 29 Sept 2014


Master riding course

In search of performance, taken by real champions

"Dedicated to real riders: detailed didactic analysis designed to clarify and improve riding techniques such as regressive braking, fine tuning, the fastest lines. If improving your lap time is your goal, the Master is your course." D. Marchetti, DRE technical director

The Master Riding Course is designed for those who want to approach the world of competition, are already racing or want to participate in a high level track day, and need personalised teaching to fully exploit their potential.

The most advanced of the DRE courses has a new look for 2014, adopting a more specific racing format, with theoretical analysis that focuses on riding techniques orientated towards maximum performance and its repeatability.  The subject of fine tuning the bike will also be covered.

The course takes place over two days, the afternoon of the first day will be dedicated to a 2-hour technical briefing during which Alessandro Valla, official Ducati test rider and Master course supervisor and Dario Marchetti, will cover subjects including:
  • bike management in order to maximise performance in terms of lap times during the different phases of riding
  • rhythm control with the assistance of fixed and chronometric references
  • influence of suspension quotas on the bike's dynamic
  • tyres, choice of compound and use of tyre warmers
The day will end with an aperitivo and you will also have the chance to get to know your instructor at the same time.

The following day, before the dedicated track sessions get underway, pupils will meet with Alessandro Valia for a talk about the topics covered as well as any doubts or clarifications.

The participants will be divided into small groups of three, each of which will be guided by an expert instructor. Groups are formed beforehand according to your stated experience, participants will, however, be evaluated by the team of instructors during the first session in order to create homogeneous groups based on demonstrated riding ability. After the groups have been identified, five practical sessions are planned. Before and after each session you will receive feedback from your instructor.

Master course participants enjoy an exclusive final track session: the track will be given over to this course alone and pupils will have the chance to make the most of the track and the techniques learned during the day.

Since the Master Riding Course focuses on the more extreme techniques of sports riding, it is recommended that you have already participated in lower level DRE courses.

The required clothing consists of a leather suit, a back protector, full-face helmet, gloves and boots. For those who do not have any, technical clothing can be hired at the time of purchasing the course online (please read the 'clothing' section for details regarding the technical garments to be worn).

Participation in the Master Riding Course is open only and exclusively to those in possession of Riding licence (type A for Italy or equivalent).

香港車手Simon Kwan
Ducati精英訓練班Master riding course


自從上次Ducati Riding Experience來了大陸珠海國際賽車場舉辦第一次賽道DRE課程,我當了兩天助教,認識了校長Dario Marchetti,他了解了我的情況,並邀請了我去參加9月份在意大利Mugello Circuit舉辦的賽道Master Racing Course。

Photo/Text: Simon Kwan

Master Racing Course---顧名思義是在DRE裡最高級的課程,網頁上寫的要求學員持有意大利A級的賽車牌或同等,我們香港是沒有A牌的,只有一個香港駕駛協會發的電單車比賽牌照,當時我也擔心不會批我參加,同時我也怕自己技術未到家,"影衰"香港車手就不太好了。但Dario校長再三保證我的資格和能力是沒問題的,好吧,試試看。


Mugello是在一個偏遠的郊區,四面都是田園和山丘,當我到達門口,看到那招牌,什麼病什麼累都忘記了,興奮地進去辦報到手續,同時也四處看看環境,工作人員已準備了很多,很多Ducati,1199s 899, Multi, Monster, Hyper等等。

原來這個活動並不止是賽場訓練,Pit lane背後那個巨型停車場也會同時進行Basic和Intermediate的課程,給學員有不同的選擇。

到達後第二天早上9點,我們穿好皮衣上去Briefing Room車手訓話,參加Briefing時才知道,一個DRE 課程原來有那麼多學員,我估計有7-80人,裡面包括Basic, Intermediate, Racing2 和Master racing。

校長Dario主持車手訓話,全程英語/意語,由於我當過助教,有部分我已聽過了,到介紹導師時,他們步進來全個briefing room起哄,原來大部份是現任/前任的Ducati 知名車手,有Motogp的Michele Pirro,World Superbike的Nicolo Canepa,前Motogp 125/250世界冠軍 Manuel Poggiali,World superstock的Mercado,等等,而安排第一天教我的就是Poggiali。

完成briefing我們就準備出車,Master course每班只有三學員,兩位是意大利人,所以我對他們認識不多,用的車就是Panigale 1199s,我們第一節出去主要是認一下路,Poggiali 每個彎都會即場用手勢指示什麼波段,和基本線路。

Mugello這場地,對線路的熟悉是非常重要的,這裡有很多彎是上着斜坡,到彎心後就轉下斜坡,所有進彎心後那開油那個點是要靠記憶的,開得早就飛了出草,開得遲就end up在跑道中間。



我們在debrief时還談到輪胎compound 的選擇,其實有關注Pirelli的朋友也知道,在賽場上,夏天場地温度高的時候,後胎是用偏軟的SC1,甚至SC0,但反而在冬天的時候,用中性的SC2,還有談到胎温,胎氣等等,令我對賽場輪胎有一個新的認識。

吃過午飯後,我對場地開始有點把握,加上車上換了全新SC2輪胎,不過我還是經常早刹車,尤其是Mugello直路在電子系統Race 模式時是可以超過300km/hr,跟著下斜坡重刹到2檔入T1,這是我覺得整個場地最恐怖的,所以我總是早刹了,未到彎就放刹車,至於教練的波段,夠彎速慢慢感覺到了。






今天大會安排我換了導師,是Alessandro Valia,Ducati Superbike試車員,我早在2013年去美國COTA試1199R時認識他的,他出彎很喜歡斜着起頭的。

我前一晚睡夠精神好了,很快就進狀態,昨天Poggiali的批評我記住了,但因地面不是全乾的,所以學員車上的電子系統全是調到Wet mode(減了馬力輸出,防打滑和ABS系統較敏感)。

由於要在半天完成6節,基本上每節之間只休息10分鐘就馬上下節,但我的節奏感很好,就算下着毛毛雨也是一樣地過彎,在此一贊Ducati 的電子系統,雖然wet才模式直路和出彎沒那麼大力,但有了DTC防打滑的介入,我一樣如乾地的開着,而最恐怖的T1,可能是馬力令速度降低了原因或是自己適應了,我已把剎車點推遲了很多,導師Valia也特別為我開快一點,給我追着拿節奏,也為我拍了一圈視頻,特別指出我的身位的錯誤,fine tune後可以更快。


由於整個DRE Master Racing Course是針對資深車手而設的,所以我在這個課程得着有很多,尤其是每一節練習完,回來跟這班星級導師求教時,令我吸收得最深刻。
